Friday, January 22, 2016

A romantic party for 'A Touch Of Passion', Boxed set of twelve stories

The rays of the setting sun are reflected in the clear water as the small sailboat carrying the hostesses glides to a halt next to the dock. Oliver, at the helm, quickly jumps out and secures the boat.

“Is there anything more romantic than a passion party by the river?” Lyn asks, rising and extending her hand to Oliver.
“Hang on,” yells Debby, as the boat rocks crazily.
Mary holds on tight. “You’d think with those big feet of hers, she'd have better balance.”
Lilly giggles. "Don’t worry Mary, If you fall in those great bosoms of yours will keep you afloat."
“Yeah, but if you go in, your backside will sink you,” LaVerne adds.
“Oh, stop squabbling and get out of the boat,” Lyn says. “Look at what a beautiful setting our twelve authors have  created for their love stories.”
Cloth-draped tables-for-two line the riverbank, with candles gently flickering in their glass holders. Along the riverbank, torchlight illuminates couples in each other’s arms, dancing to the soft sounds of a violin, while the sweet smell of roses fills the air.
Debby pats her poofed up hair. “Do I look all right? Perhaps my true love is waiting for me here."
Mary rolls her eyes. “All I can say is, with that hair, you’d better stay away from those torches.”
“I’ve never danced on  a shoreline before, have any of you?” Lilly asks.
“Yes, once,” LaVerne replies. "I stepped on a mound of fire ants."
Lyn laughs. “What a way to kill a mood.”

"Let’s go see what delights are laid out on those food tables,”Mary says.
Lilly smiles. “I'll bet we'll find champagne and chocolate. There isn’t a better combination.”

“Don't forget a handsome man,” Debby adds, as once again she pats her hair.
As the hostesses step from the dock onto the sand, the twelve authors: Traci, Uvi, Mimi, Elizabeth, Tamara, Regina, B. J., Laura, Suzanne, Cynthia, Lisa and Donna, come to greet them.
“Welcome,” Traci says. You’re just in time. The fondue pots are hot and we’re about to eat.”
Lyn lowers her voice and whispers to Laverne, “What’s a fondue?"
“I think you boil food in it,” Laverne whispers back.
Lilly elbows Laverne. “You don’'t boil food in a fondue pot. You dip food in it.”
“What kind of food? Debby asks.

Mary sighs. “Romantic food. Now come on.”
The hostesses hurry over to the table where crusty bread is laid out next to a pot bubbling with creamy cheese. A tray of steak and mushrooms in a Chantarelle sauce sits next to trout amandine.
Strawberries, bananas, and an array of fruit surround a pot of hot chocolate, and champagne flows from a fountain.

The hostesses fill their glasses and hold them up.

"Here's to our authors and their stories of love and passion."
(Today's skit wwritten by Debby Grahl)

Book Description:
Lose yourself in a touch of passion. Whether it’s the beauty in a song or the magic of a kiss, the agony of heartbreak or the hunger of yearning, explore ecstasy and desire in these captivating full-length novels. Written by twelve bestselling, multiple award-winning, USA Today and NY Times authors, this collection has it all: Historical Romance, Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Romantic Suspense, Victorian Romance, Western and Literary Fiction. These sensual tales of love will leave you with a smile on your lips and music in your heart.

The Music of Us by Uvi Poznansky (Bestselling Author)
Lenny goes as far back as the moment he met Natasha during WWII, when he was a soldier and she—a star. Natasha was a riddle to him then, and with all the changes she has gone through, she still is. 

Love Me Tender by Mimi Barbour (NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author)
How could Anne return to Texas knowing that her son would be meeting a father who didn't know he existed? And how could she go back to face the only man she'd ever truly loved?

Just in Case by Elizabeth Marx (Bestselling Author)
Revell’s been pining for her all these years. Scarlett’s never thought she was good enough for him. What if the love you thought would always be yours turns out to be forbidden? 

That Unforgettable Kiss by Tamara Ferguson (Top-10 Bestselling Author, Romance Reviews Readers' Choice Award Winner-New Adult)
Since Kate Callahan will be running the family construction business someday, she doesn’t have time for love. Until fate steps in by way of an unforgettable kiss from architectural intern Michael Murphy.

Concealed in My Heart by Regina Puckett (Bestselling Author, Readers' Favorite Book Award Winner)
Charity Fields is married to her childhood sweetheart and has the job of her dreams—until a terrible lie and a heartbreaking betrayal turns her life upside down.

The Belle and the Officer by B. J. Robinson (Top-100 Bestselling Author)
Historical romance. A Mississippi plantation. A southern belle. A Union officer. Alice Caldwell is young and in love in when the raging war disrupts her world and destroys her plans to become engaged. Her beau marches off to fight.

Seduction by Laura Taylor (Bestselling Author, 6-Time Romantic Times Award Winner, RWA RITA Finalist, and 2-Time MAGGIE Award Winner)
“A lovely translator, once betrayed under the worst possible circumstances, is seduced into love by a brilliant government consultant.” (Romantic Times Book Reviews)
Perfect for Him by Suzanne Jenkins (Bestselling Author)
As they danced, Jason whispered words of love to Harley, while her oncologist’s terrifying diagnosis kept ricocheting in her skull. To ensure he’d be okay after she was gone, Harley would take matters of love into her own hands.
Nellie by Cynthia Woolf (Bestselling Author)
Saloon owner Blake Malone is a bachelor and likes it that way. Nellie Wallace, a widow, needs a husband but never expected a man like him. Can Nellie and Blake make a marriage out of mutual need, without love being involved?

Jack Who? by Lisa Gillis (Bestselling Author)
The mission, that fateful day? Pick herself up, dust the ex off, and get dirty with someone else. However, Marissa Duplei finds that sexy, inked-up, metal musician Jack Storm is no ordinary revenge fling.

Ambrosia by the Sea by Traci Hall (USA Today Bestselling Author)
After a bitter betrayal by her late husband, self-taught chef Celia Langdon moved to the sea, where dive shop owner Dax Smith dared her to heal from the heart.

The Single Daddy Club by Donna Fasano (USA Today Bestselling Author)
Ex-military man Derrick is solitary and satisfied—until Timmy’s dropped into his lap and Derrick must become a daddy. Fate has denied Anna a family of her own, but she has plenty of love to give, if only someone would notice.

Perfect for Him by Suzanne Jenkins (Bestselling Author)
As they danced, Jason whispered words of love to Harley, while her oncologist’s terrifying diagnosis kept ricocheting in her skull. To ensure he’d be okay after she was gone, Harley would take matters of love into her own hands. 

To win a copy of   this collection, all you have to do is just leave a comment and your e-mail address.
Contest ends on Sunday and everyone who comments is eligible.
(We reserve the right to waive the prize in any week when there are not enough contestants for a draw to be deemed fair and unbiased)


  1. Welcome to the authors of 'A Touch of Passion'. What a lovely setting you have chosen for us, and what a wonderful collection of stories. Can't wait to hear more about them.

    Chocolate anyone?

  2. Forgive my disappearance. This is such a romantic setting that I snuck away for some private time with my husband. And oh, LaVerne, dancing on the shore is so much more romantic without fire ants. You should try it. Lovely party ladies. Now that hubby has left, I can ogle all this handsome eye candy. I'm married. I'm not dead!

    1. Hi Lilly, I have to agree, there's no harm in looking at all the eye candy is there!

  3. Lilly waves to Mimi Barbour. Oh, I see some authors I know. Hi Mimi!

    1. Hi Lilly!! I'm so pleased to see you here. Hope life is treating you well and the work is flowing xoxo

  4. Hiya, chickies. I peeked in and couldn't help myself. I one-clicked. Squee! What a sweet set.

    1. Hi Mac, so glad you could stop by, as Mary said, we miss you but so nice to see you again!

  5. Miss you, Mac! So glad you stopped by. Oliver can't stop talking about you.

  6. Chocolate!!! This is amazing :) Romance is in the air...thanks for the sweeet picnic

    1. Hi Traci.

      Can't beat chocolate and romance, can you!

  7. Hi, Traci, looks like your party is off to a good start. Sounds like a great set of stories. Just wanted to drop in. Had hand surgery yesterday and my right hand is in a cast, so my PA, David, is typing this. Have a great party!

    1. Take care of that hand, Debby! Hugs~

    2. Hi Debby, great introductory skit, sister hostess! Hope the hand is soon fully functional again!

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by, any chance your PA is going to feed you peeled grapes while offering sips of champagne?

  9. Thanks for the picnic and featuring our boxed set! Happy romance reading.

    1. Hi Elizabeth--did you get your chocolate fondue?

    2. Hi Elizabeth, co congratulations to you all on this set, it looks fantastic!

  10. I love crusty bread...with butter, fondue, jam, whatevah! Thank you for featuring A Touch of Passion. I am enjoying working with these marvelous authors.

    1. Hey Donna! I'm a bread person too - fresh, hot out of the oven, with soft real butter. Mmm. Now I'm hungry, lol

    2. Hi Donna, mmm I'm with you and Traci on the warm fresh bread with real butter - my favourite is goats milk butter! Sooooo creamy!

  11. Hi! I've missed you guys - must not be getting your feeds. Loved the champagne!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Make sure to get a refill - I think Oliver is pouring the BIG glasses

    2. Hello Donna! So glad you could stop by. That bread smells heavenly. Doesn't it?

  12. Love the chocolate covered strawberries! And of course the champagne!

    1. Dipping the strawberries in the champagne is great too. You know, I don't think I've ever written a sexy strawberry scene?

  13. This looks like an amazing collection of love stories. Congratulations ladies!

    1. Hi Kathleen! Thank you--I'm really proud to be a part of this set...did you get some fizzy wine?? Twelve romances--something for everyone

    2. Hi Kathleen, thanks for stopping by, and do help yourself to chocolate and strawberries.

  14. Hi everyone! Hope you're all having fun. I just stopped by for a quick drink before I go off to work. Hmmm, Oliver, uh- thank you so much you sexy brute, you! Oh, yes. Just a little more. Yes, more of that. Oh, keep it coming.....

    Congratulations ladies on your fabulous box set. Keep them coming and many, many sales!!!

    1. Hi Patrice - thanks for dropping in. I think we need to kidnap Oliver and take him to the Keys with us!

    2. Oliver will go without kidnapping. He's a sport. But, Lilly always has an entourage of hot guys following her. Invite her to go. And LaVerne, well she is down under, and even their accents are hot!

    3. Thank goodness, no kidnapping necessary!!
      He's adorable, and everyone is welcome to come. It's a party!!

  15. Sorry to be late. My internet was down, electricity off, and rain, rain, rain.
    Now, what a wonderful group of authors, I hope this one makes that NYT list too!
    Now, how can I cause some fun. Oh Lyn, could you pass me one of those chocolates, like you have smeared all over your elfin face.(She does look like a cute little, I mean tiny, elf)
    Now If Debby would move her hair I could see whats going on.
    That guy is staring at my girls, do I smile, or grab him? He must be a friend of Traci's, her special guy is cute. So any to share would be nice, specially since it's all virtual...
    Patrice, rackets today, cats and dogs are falling!

    1. Thanks Mary! The weather is crazy - and Internet is possessed by demons lately. Wait, that's a different book, lol

    2. It's raining here in the UK too!

  16. This spread looks heavenly! Don't mind if I do sample a bite of this and that... Thanks for having A Touch of Passion today!

    1. Hey Lisa! There's a lot to choose from. Nobody will mind if you go back for seconds :)

    2. Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by, help yourself to whatever you fancy (no, no, just the food, not the hot guys! :) )

  17. I love the page with all those goodies and I'd be tempted if I hadn't just tried on some new jeans earlier today and everything fit too tight!!! gack!!! Guess I'm stuck with the fruit and no chocolate....waaaa!!!
    But truly, everyone. Thanks so much for featuring our lovely collection xoxo

    1. Don't worry Mimi - nothing has any calories in it on a Friday!

      Love the look of this collection, and wishing you all loads of success with it. It's a real pleasure to have you on our blog today.

  18. Wow! I found me a hot guy! Must be my hair!

    1. Not just the hair, Debby, although it is an outstanding feature! :) You're always so popular with the guys, wish I knew your secret! :)

    2. What about your giving that come hither look. That might be it Debby. Anyhow, share!

  19. Many thanks for featuring our A Touch of Passion Boxed Set on your blog! Laura :)

    1. Hi Laura, it's always a pleasure to feature talented authors and this boxed set looks fantastic!

  20. Mouth watering good and so is a Touch of Passion. These are such talented authors. Yum!

  21. Hi Marcia, thanks for visiting, so glad you could join the party. These are indeed amazingly talented authors and such a yummy looking collection!

  22. Perfect for Him by Suzanne Jenkins (Bestselling Author)
    Apologies to besteselling author, Suzanne Jenkins -
    Somehow the details of her book 'Perfect For Him' somehow disappeared into the ether - presumably stolen by the internet gremlins - or it could have been Cuddles, my mischievous kleptomaniac unicorn! So sorry Suzanne, it's back now and here is a copy just to make sure!

    Perfect for Him by Suzanne Jenkins (Bestselling Author)

    As they danced, Jason whispered words of love to Harley, while her oncologist’s terrifying diagnosis kept ricocheting in her skull. To ensure he’d be okay after she was gone, Harley would take matters of love into her own hands.

  23. Do remember the party goes on all weekend. So, don't let any of that virtual wine be waster!
    If only Debby would share the guys!!

    1. Debby's using that pretty hair to be magnet for the men. What's the rest of us to do?

  24. Thank you so much for hosting us today on your blog.


    1. Hi Regina! How's the weather where you are at? A little blustery for a picnic?

  25. Delicious books & food. What more does a party need?


    1. Thanks for coming Mary!The more people, the merrier - the more Mary's, the merrier? We've got two :)

  26. Hi Regina, it's a pleasure to host all you great authors, and Oliver is just loving all the attention!

  27. Hi Mary, so happy you could join the party!

  28. Sorry for the late notice. I won't be able to make it because it's snowing and sleeting and flooding like crazy up here. Have a great time. Shelley

    1. You will be missed Shelley - have chocolate at home :)

    2. We'll send our virtual teleporter to bring you here, Shelley. Can't have you missing out on all the chcolate, hunks and passion! :)

      Sorry to hear about the weather there = stay safe and warm.

  29. Thanks for a terrific blog post ladies - you all throw one heck of a party!!

  30. You're welcome, Tracei, it was a pleasure to host you!
