Friday, January 15, 2016

Tena Stetler's Ski Party for 'Charm Me'

“Thank goodness we brought our clothes to change into. Those slopes out there about killed me.” Lilly moans

“Yeah, you made it to the baby hill, not even the beginners. You fell so many times when it was level, I thought we’d lose you on that last run.” Debby chuckles and sighs in relief as they reach their destination, the main dining and party part of the beautiful lodge they are booked into.

Couples, families, and other groups of people laugh and make their way to the celebration.

Debby, Lyn, LaVerne, Lilly and Mary approach the beautiful chalet on snowshoes. No one is happy with their footware. Dressed to kill for a lovely evening Valentine’s Day celebration, one by one they remove the cumbersome shoes and put on their party heels. A toothsome dinner of warm, comfort foods await them.

Heart shaped balloons billow at the center of each table, which is
dusted with candy hearts. A room that celebrates love never looked more inviting. “Look at the tables!” Lyn exclaims as she hands off her coat and enters the dining area. They all follow suit are soon ready to find their seats. A spiffy, young, waiter, dressed in a tux, leads them to their places.

“I’m not sure why you bothered with the snowshoes Lyn. With those feet you don’t need them.” Mary chuckles.

“Well you needed bigger ones to balance out that top heavy part on you.” Lyn inhales to catch her breath. “Whose idea was it to walk up to the chalet from the ski lift anyhow?” A low chuckle is heard, but not identified. “I know it was you Mary, I just know it.”

“I wondered why we couldn’t bring our dogs and your unicorn. I thought country. But, these ski chalets are amazing and fancy too.” LaVerne sniffs missing her little sidekick. “See how I artfully avoid a confrontation there?” Laverne elbows Lyn.

“Really, look at the menu. Mmmm. Deviled eggs, and various hor de’oeuvres,
followed by, Prime rib roast,

Maple sugar coated, spiral sliced, baked ham, candied sweet potatoes, salad, rolls, OMG, look at the

A heart shaped cake with little heart shaped macaroons all around it. Those things cost a fortune.” Lilly drools a bit.

“They are not those coconut things, these are gourmet!”

“That oughta help with the big butt issue.” LaVerne giggles, her pale,
white, skin, shining in the lights of the dining hall, eying the pink fluffy non-alcoholic punch longingly.

“I’m for the Irish Coffee myself.” Debby fluffs her huge, teased, hair, to new heights, as she slides her finger descreetly in the frosting on the huge cake, hoping no one will notice.

“Heads up ladies, here’s our guest.” Lyn stands, heads to the front of the room, all smiles and extends her hand to Tena. Welcome to your roast party. I hope it meets all your expectations.”

“It’s wonderful! Devlin and Summer, are thrilled. It’s not every day they get to see their story so celebrated.” Tena smiles and throws air kisses to the hostesses. She turns without another word and heads toward the table with a handsome man on her arm.

“Is that James Bond. He looks so dashing from the back. Do we get to kiss any of the werewolves? I
always wanted to kiss one. ” Lilly sighs.

“Nope it’s Oliver, he always seems to win the heart of our author. Well let’s all toast to handsome heroes, and strong, beautiful heroines!” Lyn grabs a glass of punch and raises it. “To werewolves, witches, and humans all, let’s celebrate the release of  Charm Me . To romance!”

Release Date  January 6, 2016, Charm Me paranormal romance
Final Blurb: Summer Dawn Riley’s an extraordinary elemental witch whose troubled past haunts her. She’s created a calm life for herself teaching yoga and keeping people at a distance. Her life takes a one eighty degree turn when she enrolls in a women’s weapons class and meets ruggedly handsome Devlin Sawyer. Devlin, a former Navy Seal, has sworn off women after two long-term failed relationships, but there is no denying his attraction to Summer. She intrigues him like no other woman ever has. Despite her attempts to ignore him, Summer is drawn to Devlin. His magic signature is strong, but he’s no warlock. Will Valentine’s Day magic find them a future together?

Getting to her feet, she brushed the dust from her black yoga pants, tugged at the bottom of her bright orange tunic, and flipped the light switch on. A soft glow of florescent lighting flooded the large room, soothing Summer’s nerves. Guess she would never be the same carefree individual she was before the incident. Oh, shake it off. You’re safe and it’s time to get on with life. “Come on Pip, let’s get this place open.”

A massive stone fireplace towered in the corner.  She picked up an arm full of wood and flung it in the general direction. Logs landed in the fire pit and neatly arranged themselves in a tepee shape. With a magic flick of her finger toward the hearth, flames raced up the aspen logs. “That’s better.”

She raised her arms, about to send the yoga mats back to their proper place when the heavy wooden front door creaked open. Piper rushed toward the door, teeth bared and a growl rumbled in her throat. Summer whirled around and yelped as Devlin ambled into the room, black hair tousled and glistening with melting snowflakes. His nonchalance at the dog’s approach surprised her as he slowed to a stop. Piper sniffed around him, backed up a few inches, then stood at alert in front of Devlin.

“You scared the bejeebers out of me.” Summer held her hand to her chest as her heart thundered.

“What are you doing here?”

“Call your guard dog off and I’ll tell you.” The corners of Devlin’s mouth curved up into a smile, a faint light twinkled in the depths of his dark eyes.

“Piper, leave it…come.” The dog gave Devlin a last sideways glance, trotted back to Summer and sat at her side.

Author Bio – With the majestic Rocky Mountains for a backdrop, Tena Stetler is a paranormal romance author with an over-active imagination.  She wrote her first vampire romance as a tween, to the chagrin of her mother and the delight of her friends. Tena finds stories in the strangest places, while camping, kayaking, or hiking in the mountains. Even at the hair salon ie A Demon’s Witch.  So far, she’s only found one dead body (imagined not real) during a camping trip, turned it into an exciting paranormal romantic suspense that’s nearly complete. For many years, Tena worked as a paralegal for a criminal law firm. You won’t believe the tales she can spin from that experience! Colorado is her home; shared with her husband, a brilliant Chow Chow, a spoiled parrot and a forty-year-old box turtle.  She loves the adventure of a road trip. Together with her husband and their companion animals, they have logged thousands of miles in their RV visiting over three-quarters of the United States.  The great northeast and Alaska are still on the bucket list. Any winter evening, you can find her curled up in front of a crackling fire with a good book, a mug of hot chocolate and a big bowl of popcorn. 
Contact Info:
Buy links for Charm Me.
Charm Me


To win a copy of Tena 's book, all you have to do is just leave a comment and your e-mail address.
Contest ends on Sunday and everyone who comments is eligible.
(We reserve the right to waive the prize in any week when there are not enough contestants for a draw to be deemed fair and unbiased)


  1. Welcome to your Roast Tena, what a lovely setting, I do love snow! What a great series Candy Hearts is, and we wish you many sales for 'Charm Me'.

    1. Thank you so much Lyn! I hope you don't mind I brought Devlin, Summer and her guard dog Piper. Summer doesn't go anywhere with out Piper. This is Devlin's Sister, Koda, and brother-in-law, Wyatt. They are visiting from Montana.
      Devlin waves. "Piper is very will behaved,which is more than I can say for my sister, Koda." He raises his eyebrow in warning. "She had a habit of saying things before she thinks. No filter, that one."
      "Oh, you love me any way," Koda retorts flouncing away.

  2. What a fabulous party,Tena. I hope you like it. Can you ladies believe it's almost Valentine's Day? Hubby's birthday is the day before, and I haven't gotten him a gift yet. Hmm. Guess I need to talk to some of these handsome young men just so I can get some gift ideas. And so what if I get those ideas on the dance floor. It's not like I could ski. Even if I wasn't in this lovely gown, I am not getting on those slopes again. My knees are killing me!

    1. Thanks to much for coming Lilly. I'm sorry you had such a rough time getting here. I just love the snow and Valentine's Day so much I thought this would be perfect. Next time I'll have a handsome stud waiting to help you up.That should make a difference. LOL

  3. Hi Lilly, yes, I'm going to get some ideas from those handsome young men myself (Grin) There's such a Valentine's feel to the party today I'm sure you'll get inspiration for your hubby's party! I'm off to partake in some of the refreshments before I venture outide again.

    1. The food is delish, Lyn. The hot chocolate is to die for. Warms you up from the inside out, kinda like the men in this room. I didn't know Wyatt's friend come into town this morning for the party. You know he is unattached, but beware he is a werewolf and loves to party.

  4. What a fun party! And, Oliver ... ooh! Tena, I read and enjoyed "Charm Me" so much! A wonderful addition to the Candy Hearts series!

    1. Hi Laura, so glad you could join us for Tena's party. Oliver will be along in a moment with refreshments!

    2. Thanks Laura. Then you know Summer and Devlin, their dog Piper. Remember Koda and Wyatt. Their friend Jack joined us for the party, came down from Montana unannounced. He's single. A alpha werewolf too. So watch out. You've been warned. LOL

  5. Congratulations Tena on your awesome review over at Romance Novels for the Beach. And sister Roses, please keep an eye on this blog. Laura is fabulous and she promises to review more books in TWRP's Candy Hearts series. Here's the blog address to Tena's wonderful review.

    1. Drats. Wrong blog address. lol! Here's the blog address for Tena's review over at Romance Novels 4 The Beach.

    2. Lilly, thanks so much for posting that address up. Lauren's review made my day.I am so happy it appears that everyone enjoyed Charm Me as much as I did writing it.

  6. Sorry I won't be able to comment more than just this once today. On my way to a conference.
    But, I just wanted to say Tena, this book sounds terrific and I am ordering it on my Nook. I hope your sales are through the roof! And Ladies...don't behave yourselves!! Hugs to all!

    1. Oh, Mary, these ladies not need your encouragement to misbehave. LOL Thanks so much for the best wishes for Charm Me and ordering it. I really appreciate it. I hope you will enjoy the book and let me know. It was a fun book to write. In fact, there may be another book with those characters in the future, never now. Have fun at the conference!!

    2. When have we ever behaved, Mary? lol!

  7. Summer steps up beside LaVerne. "I'm sorry you didn't bring your dog and Unicorn. Piper has never seen a unicorn, not sure how she'd react. I know she'd mind her manners. But she gets along well with other dogs, as long as she doesn't perceive a threat. Piper is certified as a guard dog and very well behaved."

  8. Lol Tena - Cuddles, my unicorn, is very sweet, but he does get up to all sorts of mischief and has a tendency to 'borrow' things! So that's another reason I didn't bring him today. You just never know with a unicorn!

    1. My little dog, TT is an angel. Just don't get too close to her mouth. She doesn't bite, but her breath is kickin'!

  9. Hope no one smashes into a tree when they get back out on the slopes. Those cocktails Oliver makes are pretty strong! Better sit down with the book...

    1. Hi Andrea - I think you have a point about the cocktails. I'm not taking any chances and sticking to the pink non alcoholic fluffy punch! :)

    2. Yea, some said the Irish coffee was potent! I'm the driver so Devlin, Summer and group are enjoying themselves. The pink fluffy drink is wonderful! Oliver does a wonderful job! He's really hot too!

  10. So just how much can a unicorn borrow? He has no where to carry it. But I understand. When Piper was a puppy she'd trade things. I'd forget to close the bedroom closet and I'd find her favorite toy in the closet and my brand new leather shoe gone. LOL Still, I'd like to see a unicorn. Maybe next time?

  11. You know, Tena, my little dog Tina does the same thing - only with him it's my pet cuddly toy animals he trades. If you really want to see Cuddles, he's lurking but has been told not to come into the party room. If you look in the sidebar on the right, he's there, under my author pic!

    1. He must be shy, cause when I looked all I saw was a wisp of a sparkling tail tip. Doesn't have many visitors?

    2. LOL he was playing hide and seek with you! He's a naughty little feller, and hides his true nature behind two innocent blue eyes!

  12. What a fun party. It's Friday, I'll take one of those cocktails now. I don't mind sliding down the hill ;) Best of luck with the book, Tena.

    1. Thanks Barbara, you're welcome to stay, if you don't mind a few werewolves, a guard dog and a sneaky unicorn. Doesn't look like the party's going to end until the wee hours of the morning. We have the venue til noon tomorrow.

    2. Thanks so much for coming Barbara and for the well wishes for Charm Me!

    3. Hi Barbara, as Tena says, make yourself at home - we'll keep going all weekend while the food lasts! :)

  13. I think I ate to much cake. It was so good, but... maybe eating two large pieces wasn't such a good idea. Not to mention, now I have to work them off. LOL

  14. Loving all the heart shaped food. Great party thank you.


  15. You and me Tena - I can resist anything except chocolate and cake!

  16. Hi Mary, thanks for joining the party. It's all themed to Tena's candy hearts release, which sounds like a fantastic read - did you see the great review she had for it?

  17. Good morning all. Sorry I wandered off. Had to take some food over to my daughter's fiance's family. They've called hospice in for her future grandfather in law. At least he's comfortable and surrounded by family. Is anyone up and about yet? Or sleeping off those potent drinks Oliver makes? I think I need an Irish coffee this morning.

  18. I love all the food, it makes me hungry and I love how your unicorn likes to borrow things.
    Donna Kunkel

  19. Hi Lilly, aw, sending comforting thoughts for your daughter's fiancé's granddad. I'm awake but I think everyone else has gone back to sleep! :)

    1. Oh Oliver's still up and about, here he comes with your irish coffee!

  20. Hi Donna

    Do help yourself to whatever virtual food you fancy! Thanks for joining the party. So glad to see you here.

  21. I'm awake. Morning or I guess more like afternoon everyone. Glad you could make it Donna. The Unicorn, Cuddles seems to be a bit shy. I seen only his tail swishing as he disappeared around a corner, when I went looking for him. Devlin, Summer and Piper have gone out on the trails cross county skiing. They should be back soon and starving. I don't see how Devlin keep his sexy build and eats like he does. Must be werewolf genes. I think I need some. LOL Kody and Wyatt are still sleeping. Didn't go to bed until dawn.

  22. Ooh, that Devlin! I think Cuddles is a bit nervous of werewolves - makes a change for him to be lying low, I'm quite surprised he hasn't been trying to steal the love hearts and hide them!

  23. The sweethearts have even disappearing rapidly today. Maybe he's decided the werewolf so aren't so bad. Hehe. We have had a lovely time.
    "Yep. Had a wonderful time skiing on your mountain is great." Devlin said, Summer, Koda and Wyatt nodding vigorously. " We gotta head back. I have a yoga class tomorrow bright and early. Thanks so much." She glanced up to see Piper trotting around the corner, followed by Cuddles. "Guess Cuddles over came his fear." Summer laughed.
