Friday, January 29, 2016

We're CelebratingThe Montana Dreams Series by Cait Jarrod

"I hope the sidekicks will behave, I wonder if they'll be allowed into the petting zoo," Lyn mutters as they all pile out of the SUV.

"Well as long as TT,  Nibbie and Jazzy are kept on their leashes, and Debbie keeps Tigger snug in her purse, Trina said it would be OK.," Lilly says, eyeing the cute little kittie peeking out from under Debbie's arm.  "It's Cuddles that's likely to be a problem, I hope he doesn't cause any trouble."

"He'd better not," Lyn mutters, "I've given him a good talking to and told him to be on his best behaviour or he'll be grounded for a month."

"Isn't this a lovely place though," Lilly says, changing the subject, as they walk around gazing at the various animals in their roomy enclosures, with parents and children wandering around and mingling with the friendly creatures. "I love the Montana countryside.  It's absolutely 'Divine.'" The hostesses groan at her pun,  and Mary stops suddenly, to stroke a donkey, causing the three other hostesses to cannon into her and they all end up in a heap on the ground.  They start giggling, and haul each other up.  Lilly brushes the dust off her ample posterior and Mary delicately flicks at her voluptuous bosom.

"Good job you weren't wearing one of your usual low cut tops," La Verne remarks, "we'd have had to hose off your chest area."

"Could have been worse," Debby mutters, "we could have been in with the animals and fallen in a pile of doo-doo."  She shrieks as a cheeky black alpaca stretches his head over the fence and nibbles at her bouffant hair.  The hostesses dissolve into giggles again, while Debby tuts and pats her hair back into place.  "Does it really look like I have a bale of hay on my head?" she pouts "Don't answer that," she orders, as La Verne opens her mouth to speak.

"Oh look," Mary shrieks, as they turn a corner.  There leaning over the corral fence facing them,where the ponies are, alongside a beautiful black stallion, stand three very attractive women, three amazingly hunky men - and
Cait. "Just feast your eyes on that man candy."

"Sorry, they're all spoken for," Lyn says, with a wave, while she casts an envious glance at the horse,  "but I guess they may have some friends somewhere around."  They walk towards the group, past tables laden with  pasta and shrimp,  assorted Italian dishes, and bread and rolls, tapioca pudding with fruit compote, and Boston Cream Pie , Oliver grins, as he sets out glasses of  Atomic Apple - a fireball and apple schnapps, as well as wine to go with their meal.

"Congratulations on these wonderful books," Lilly says, after Cait has introduced them to Trina, Autumn and Cadence, and they try not to drool when meeting Matt, Travis and Bradley. "Let's get this party started and learn more about the Montana Dreams Series!

(today's introductory skit by Hywela Lyn)

DIVINE blurb:
Matt Carson and Trina Lovett befriend each other during turbulent times at a young age. Over the years, their friendship strengthens building a strong, unbreakable bond. At least that is what they believe. Life choices put an ocean between them, and the depth of their bond is tested.
Under the stress of being apart, heart-wrenching events leave them plagued with
doubt. Danger forces them to make irrefutable decisions about what they want from life.

“What time  do you leave for Aruba tomorrow?”

Desire begged her to grab him and ask questions later.
 “At dawn, before the crows caw.”

 “Is Milton still getting after you for sleeping in?”

 “He did this morning. Dad doesn’t understand today was the last time I could possibly sleep late. Vacationing with my family is non-stop activities from dawn to well past dusk. My brother Bradley and I won’t get a chance to do what we want, like sunbathe or shop. As soon as I return, I don’t even
have time to unpack before I head to Dartmouth.”

 His gaze lowered to her mouth.
She stilled. The moment they’d avoided arrived. She wanted to kiss him more than she wanted anything.

 Their lips touched. The fire banking low in her belly came alive. She pressed her breasts into his chest, her nipples hardening to pleasured peaks. Their tongues mingled, slow and steady, as they appreciated and savored each other.

 “You taste so good.” He drew in a sharp breath and smoothed the hair away from her face.

She shifted to get closer. While she’d arrived pantyless, hoping for intimacy, their kiss caught her by surprise. She didn’t want it to stop. Quite the opposite, she wanted more. She craved to feel his naked body, to feel him buried deep inside, to feel him throbbing when he claimed her. Her body begged, pleaded, and pulsated. “I want you so much it hurts.”

 Pressing his forehead to hers, he released a long drawn out sigh. “I want the same.” He whispered, yet his voice cracked. “But…”

 She inhaled his intoxicating cologne that set him apart from every other man she’d met. Damn, would he throw water on their heated bodies?
“Is this the wrong thing to do?”

 She touched her lips to his neck, sucked in another Matt-fortified-scent. “I don’t know.”
The moon cast shadows over the bridge and him. How will she live without seeing him every day? How will she survive not hearing his voice? How will she deal with not knowing if he’s alive or not?
Right then, the truth to her apprehension came to life. The thing she feared the most. Not wanting to lose their precious relationship wasn’t a lie, yet she held a deeper fear she’d rather keep tucked away. If she made love to Matt, if they closed the last little bit of distance between them, she would lose her soul and never recover. If Matt’s journey ended the same as so many others before him, she didn’t know how she would manage. Military families possessed an amazing strength. Courage she didn’t have.



With the exception of one dear friend who treats her like a daughter, Autumn Wilcox keeps her heart closed off to others. Now this friend struggles with her last breaths and makes a request—for Autumn to find the elusive rainbow that will reveal her destiny. She doesn’t have faith in such tales, but for her friend, she agrees and seeks a pilot to take her to Bluebird Valley, Montana.

After the death of his parents and his brother’s war injury, Travis Carson withdraws and his heart
goes numb. He dives into work until his brother settles in Montana because of Travis’ insistence to carry out their parents’ dream of living in the mountains.

 He quits his search and rescue job to purse his vision of opening a scenic tour
business in Montana. So, when friends ask him on his last day of the job to give a woman a ride to the Big Sky Country state, he agrees. Simple, easily done, but the swirl of energy radiating off her has him agreeing and doing things out of his norm. He can no longer push away his feelings to protect his heart. He wants more.


Cadence Duvall had a heartbreaking secret. If discovered, she feared the man she wanted would disown her. Before the truth comes out and he could, she pushes him away. To her, it was better to have him wanting her than hating her. Almost two years later, her heart still hurts and the guilt remains. Hoping a visit with her best friend would soothe her inner turmoil, she heads to Bluebird Valley, Montana.

 When Cadence breaks Bradley Lovett’s heart, he moves to Florida to live the life of a carefree bachelor and to forget what he once had. This type of life works until he receives an urgent phone call from his kid sister, begging him to help her best friend. Cadence.

Good friends torn apart by circumstance, and just bad luck, find themselves living under the same roof. Now Cadence faces her secret and the man who taught her the true meaning of desire while Bradley hangs onto his heart.

Cait Jarrod author bio:

Someone’s always to blame…
In my case, I bestow the blame for my love of books and writing on my mother, knowing she would love it. A year after she died from cancer, I picked up her favorite pastime as a way to be close to her and found a niche I didn’t know I possessed much less loved.
The stories I made up in my head as a child, never left, and now that my childhood muse has grown
into an adult version, I feel blessed to offer entertainment. Recently, my writing has changed from full-length romantic suspense to romance novellas. My passion has allowed me to become multi-published and to achieve award-winning status, and become an Amazon Best Seller.

My hope: you’ll pick up one of my books, lose yourself in the story, laugh, possibly cry—a good one—and smile.

To win a copy of Cait 's book, all you have to do is just leave a comment and your e-mail address.
Contest ends on Sunday and everyone who comments is eligible.
(We reserve the right to waive the prize in any week when there are not enough contestants for a draw to be deemed fair and unbiased)


  1. Congratulations on your series, Cait. Your books sound "Divine." *Lilly chuckles.* Sorry. I couldn't help myself. It got a laugh the first time. Love the petting zoo theme. There's nothing sexier than seeing a big strong man nuzzle a tiny little kitty. Oh. Look a Lemur!

    1. Hi Lilly! lol. Too funny. I love the petting zoo theme. It's something you don't see in many stories.

    2. I'm with you on that, Cait, I love all animals especially horses, but it's great to be able to stroke and see animals close up, especially for kiddies who might not normally be able to do so. I'm curious - although I'm completely smitten with Thor (OK the guys are pretty hunky too) but can you tell usmore about Hopper? The little guy looks so cute.

    3. Hopper is Autumn's pet ferret. He's lively and likes putting people in their place, as he did to Travis. When Travis did something he didn't like, he stuck out his tongue or would bite his nose. Hopper doesn't automatically give respect; it has to be earn. To say the least, Travis more than earned it, but I can't tell you how. If I did, it would spoil the scenes in the story. :)

    4. Aw, Hopper sounds so cute!(So does Travis) Ferrets are such interesting little critters. This sounds like such a great book!

    5. Oh, I think Hopper is just adorable. Wait, is he sticking his tongue out at me?

    6. lol! With him you never know, but I think he's doing his side-stepping dance to impress you. :)

  2. Hi Lilly! (Lyn hugs her sister hostess and strokes TT) Isn't this a lovely place, so many gorgeous animals - ooh and that Thor!

    Hi Cait, welcome to the Roast, sounds like you have a great series going, I've already put them on my 'must read' list!

  3. Hi Lyn! Thanks so much for having me. I love this site. You ladies put on a fabulous show. :) I'll be stopping in through out the day.

    I can't wait for you to read the books. I would love your feedback. :)

  4. Your series sounds fantastic! I The blurbs above and background make your books so much more appealing. I love the covers too. They are beautiful and catch the passion and love between the couple. I wish you the best of luck with writing and hope you sell many copies <3

    1. Thank you, Jennifer! <3

      The covers are awesome! Jay Aheer did the series. She's a great talent.

    2. Hi Jennifer, so glad you were able to come to the party!

    3. Hey Jennifer. Be sure to wash your hands before you grab a snack. There's a handsome attendant at every wash stand to assist you if you need help. lol!

    4. I'm glad I was able to drop by too! Cait is such a sweetheart and I wish her every success :-) Now I'm off to find that handsome attendant at these wash stations......

    5. Jennifer, you're sweet. Thank you. Now to find an attendant...

  5. Hi all! Yes, the internet gods have been messing with me. The phone lines are all old and wind and rain...
    I want that black stallion. I mean I am seriously thinking of horsenapping. He is amazing. Forget the guys, I want the horse! I love the smell of horses. Yeah, crazy huh. I used to sniff saddles.

    1. Too funny. I'm the same. I love the smell of horses. A friend of mine, Author Aubrey Wynne, actually owns the inspiration for Thor. He's a beaut.

  6. Hi ladies! Oh, I've wanted to visit Divine ever since I read the Montana Dreams series, and it's so much lovelier than I imagined! Do you think Travis would take us up in his plane for a scenic tour?! I'd love to see this wonderful place from above and maybe even spot my own rainbow ;) *runs off to play with Hopper and find a cute cowboy of my own*

    1. Finally, a let's do it! How did you like the series??

    2. The series is wonderful! So heartfelt, with fun, steamy scenes, and I grew really attached to the characters.

    3. Oh, I'm in! I love to see Bluebird Valley, MT, from the sky. Maybe, Cadence and Bradley will guide us on a trail ride, too??? Do you think they'll bring their friends, Jace and Garth?

      Awe, thanks, Aeicha!

    4. Oh a trail ride would be fantastic! There's no better way to see the scenery than from the back of a horse, it would be lovely if Jace and Garth could join us too!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Jace, Garth, and Eagle were introduced in Desire, the 3rd book in Montana Dreams series. They will have their own series, Talon's Point, a Montana Dreams sequel. I hope to have this series out within a year, maybe the end of 2016/beginning of 2017.

  7. Nibbie, don't scare the horses.
    Not while I am trying to sneak a free ride.

  8. Hi Mary - more hugs for sister hostess.
    Hi Aeicha, yes isn't this a great place, and Hopper is so cute. I'm hoping Mary and I don't come to blows over Thor - although it makes a change not to have her fighting for the men! :)

    1. Hmmm. You already have two horses, now don't be greedy.
      How about we can share?

    2. Yeah, you know you can share Harri and T'pau anyway, and I love them both dearly, but as far as Thor is concerned - well a girl can look, can't she!

  9. Congrats Cait! It's a great series. I love Hopper. I'm even considering a ferret now!

    1. Hi Aubrey - so nice to see you here. Ferrets are great little creatures, lots of people keep them as pets here in the UK> and this is one series I'm just going to have to read!

    2. I've had a few ferrets over the years. They're great animals. The antics that Hopper did, at least one of mine have done. If you do get one, remember they are thieves. Keys, socks, anything they can pick up with their mouth will disappear, just check behind the couch.

    3. Lol, I think my little dog, Choccy must be part ferret! The things I find hidden in his bed!

  10. Amazing books & food. YAY!!


  11. Hello Mary

    Thanks so much for coming to the party, enjoy the food and the book snippets! This looks like a wonderful series, doesn't it!

  12. Sorry I disappeared yesterday. A dear of friend of mine passed away. The funeral was yesterday.

    I'm ready to catch up on the conversation.

  13. I LOVE petting zoo's! Although we don't call them that here - they're animal farms and my daughter loves them. Last couple of days of the school holidays here and guess where we're going to spend the morning :)

    Cait - your series sounds fabulous - and the covers are making me drool! I'm just going to go over and check out the men- ahhh....alpacas - that's what I meant!

    1. When my girls were young, we used to visit a exotic animal farm in Tennessee. The girls loved it. Wish I could post pics here. :) That farm gave me the idea for Divine.

  14. I love them too, LaVerne. They're lovely for children to be able to get up close to animals they might not be able to see at close quarters otherwise, and to learn about them. And I agree about Cait's covers too, they're all gorgeous.

    1. Love, love, love my covers. One of the main things I enjoyed about self-publishing the series was having a say in my covers.
