Friday, September 23, 2016

Linda Nightingale celebrates a Vampyre Rhapsody

The hostesses, dressed in elegant Victorian attire, climb the stairs to the front entrance of Royal Oak, a centuries old ancestral home set atop the cliffs off the coast of Devon, England.

In the distance, waves crash against the rocks,
and a sharp wind whips across the sea, chilling the hostesses as Oliver opens the door and invites them into the home of Morgan D'Arcy, a titled lord, concert pianist, and vampire.

Oliver introduces the hostesses, Debby, LaVerne, Lilly, Lyn, and Mary to the handsome earl.

Lord D'Arcy bends over each of their hands, kissing their knuckles. "Good evening, ladies. Thank you for helping me host this party to celebrate Linda Nightingale's publication of my memoirs." He frowned. "I understand she's turned my life into some sort of romance novel."

Lyn beams. "Indeed, m'lord, and I hear it's quite good."

"Oh, yes," Mary gushes. "And you are every bit as handsome as the picture on the book's cover."

Lilly leans close to LaVerne. "He's more than handsome. He's freaking gorgeous. And with that long mane of  blond hair, he looks more like a rock star than a concert pianist."

"Or a vampire," LaVerne whispers, catching D'Arcy's eye. She slips behind Lilly, trying to hide behind her ample backside, made even larger by the bustle on the back of her dress. "Why is he staring at me?"

"You're so pale, he probably thinks you're a vampire too," Debby says as she pats her high-coiffed hair.

"I'm not that pale," LaVerne mumbles.

Mary stands arrow straight, her amble bosom all but popping out of the low decolletage of her dress. "Oh, we are so delighted to be your hostesses for the evening."

"Oh yes," Debby adds. "It's our pleasure."

"Stop gushing, ladies," Lyn says, stepping forward and nearly tripping over her large, slipper-clad feet. "We're not his only hostesses tonight. Dr. Amber Wolfe will be seated to his right."

"And we can't wait to meet her, Lord D'Arcy," LaVerne says when she finally gets the nerve to speak to him.

"Please, call me Morgan." His smile is almost hypnotic. "All of you, please."

"Oh, my" LaVerne squeaks, covering her neck with her hand. At that moment, a stunning redhead in a brilliant green gown approaches, and Lord D'Arcy, Morgan, only has eyes for her.

He watches her graceful approach as she all but glides across the floor.

Debby sighs. "Such love."

"Such beauty," Lilly adds.

Mary's stomach growls. "Such wonderful smelling food."

Amber Wolf laughs. "Thank you for helping Morgan and I host this celebration tonight. We'll be eating shortly -- a lovely sit-down dinner followed by an enchanting evening of music by my dear, Morgan."

"And where is the guest of honor?" Lyn asks.

"There she is," Mary says, rushing forward as Linda Nightingale steps into the room.

"Thank you so much for the lovely party," she exclaims. "The food looks lovely."

"Then by all means, lets eat," Morgan says, escorting the woman into the elegant  dining room where liveried servants align the walls, waiting to attend the guests' every need.
Once the ladies are seated, one servant brings chilled cucumber soup  while Oliver serves white wine.

This is soon followed by the main course of Norwegian Char with lemon and dill sauce. 

For dessert, there's Drambuie Crème Brule  and a sparkling Moscato wine. 

There's also Port with an assortment of cheeses including Stilton.

And just before Morgan suggests retiring to the music room, the hostess all stand and raise a glass to the guest of honor, Linda Nightingale.

"To you, Linda, and to your awesome new release, A Vampyre Rhapsody.

(This week's 'Roast' written and illustrated by Lilly Gayle)

Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody
By Linda Nightingale From The Wild Rose Press
Cover Artist: Debbie Taylor
Editor: Callie Lynn Wolfe
Tagline: A titled lord, concert pianist, and … vampire, Morgan D’Arcy has everything he wants…except what he most desires…the woman of his dreams—the search is on.
Rating: Spicy Digital Price:
$3.99 Print Price: $13.99

Blurb: The greatest enemy of a vampire is boredom. Four centuries of existence have taught Lord Morgan Gabriel D'Arcy to fear nothing and no one. Humans and their weapons have little chance against his preternatural speed and arcane powers. Vampires are viral mutations of human DNA. Still, the Vampyre code requires secrecy, and he has learned to hide his nature from the world. The lure of mortality, of a life in the sun, puts Morgan again and again at the mercy of calculating human women though they fail to consider his charm and determination into the equation. However, even grooming a future bride from infancy proves to be fraught with heartbreak. And second chances are not always what they seem unless... you are Morgan. Immortality and beauty, aren’t they grand?

“…Morgan…is a tour de force of egotism, wit, sensuality, and talent…” ~Author Toni V. Sweeney

“Morgan D’Arcy is a class act and the most arresting vampire I’ve ever
encountered in literature or films.” ~ Historical and Paranormal Romance Author Beth Trissel

Excerpt (Some adult content)

Mischief overcame me. “Vampires,” I kissed the word, trying to shock her. “Have a static aura.”

“One night you said that your victim experiences...” Her voice was low, throaty, and lusty.

“Intense pleasure.” I brushed my lips to the back of her neck, and a sigh escaped her.

“Kiss me.” She hugged herself, her tight bodice hinting at cleavage. “I long to feel that pleasure.”
Expectancy sizzled in the inches separating us. A shudder of pure desire leapt over me. Passion smoked in Amber’s eyes. She cradled my chin between index finger and thumb. I reached behind her, freeing her hair. Red silk drowned my hands. I sifted the gleaming strands through my fingers.

She was asking me to take her, and ód’s Teeth, I yearned to sink my fangs into her throat and shaft her until she released on a cry.

The tip of her pink tongue wisped over her lower lip. I stared at her beautiful mouth, her sensual expression achieving the effect she intended. My cock flexed hard. The dusky scent of her arousal ratcheted tension to breaking point. I needed Amber for more than sex. Taking her blood might bind her to me—or terrify her into leaving. She had accepted me, was working with me, but our fragile relationship balanced on a shilling.

I freed my face and kissed her hand to soften the blow then shook my head. “No.”

She lurched to her feet. “Why do you refuse? I know you find me attractive. You feel the magnetism between us.”

I glided upright in one svelte move, and fear darted across her face.

“When we are farther along the path of discovery, perhaps. We can’t allow anything to cloud our focus now.”

Her breasts heaved with rapid, angry breaths. “You would wag pleasure before me like a carrot tempting a stubborn horse?”

I arched a brow, chastising her for the dramatics. For several thudding heartbeats, she held my gaze before looking away. Without another word, I drifted to the hearth, my swift departure vampire light and soundless. In no uncertain terms, Amber must know the manner of man she tempted. Behind
me, I heard a soft gasp. If I enjoyed her fear and her angry, was I a monster?

The clock ticked a couple of seconds. How familiar the heavy mortal footsteps chasing me and immortality! She would now offer anything in an attempt to change my mind.

Delicate hands gripped my shoulders with startling strength. “Face me, Morgan, and tell me you don’t want to share pleasure with me.”

I shrugged. “I promised not to lie.”

Buy Link: Morgan D’Arcy: A Vampyre Rhapsody

About Linda:
Born in South Carolina, Linda has lived in England, Canada, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta and Houston. She’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer, having bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses for many years.

Linda has won several writing awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers Magnolia Award.

She is the mother of two wonderful sons, a retired legal assistant, member of the Houston Symphony League, and enjoys events with her car club. Among her favorite things are her two marvelous sons, a snazzy black convertible, and her parlor grand piano. She loves to dress up and host formal dinner parties.

Twitter: - @Lnightingale
Web Site: – Visit and look around. There’s a free continuing  vampire story.
Blog: - Lots of interesting guests & prizes


To win a copy of Linda's book, all you have to do is just leave a comment and your e-mail address.
Contest ends on Sunday and everyone who comments is eligible.
(We reserve the right to waive the prize in any week when there are not enough contestants for a draw to be deemed fair and unbiased)


  1. The opening sentence of the blurb certainly hooked me in. Fantastic!!


  2. Hi Mary, it certainly sounds like a rivetting read, doesn't it! I see Oliver coming towards you with a glass of wine, enjoy the party!

  3. So glad you made it to another Roast, Mary Preston. I agree, the blurb is tempting, and the preview chapters on Amazon are quite enticing. I'm definitely adding this book to my TBR list.

  4. Hi, Linda. Congratulations on the book! It sounds great! I wish you many many sales! I'm on my way to the airport, so I have to say goodbye. Hope to see you soon! xoxoxo Debby Hi, Linda. congratulations on the book! It sounds great! I wish you many many sales! I'm on my way to the airport, so I have to miss the party, bummer! Hope to see you soon! xoxoxo Debby

    1. Hi Debby! (Lyn hugs her fellow hostess.) Pity you can't stay for the party, but have a good trip, and a safe one. x

    2. Have a safe flight and a fun trip, Debby.

    3. Pleasant journey, Debby. Thanks for dropping in to the party.

  5. Hello everyone and thanks for stopping by my Roast & Toast, and a lovely job of it the hostesses have made. It's always such fun seeing everyone again and having such a handsome server!

    1. Hi Linda, so glad to be able to host you today, your book sounds absolutely amazing. (Like your hero! ;) )

  6. Hello fair lady! What a smashing spiel on the new release. Love all the pics too. Big Morgan fan here.

    1. Morgan is a handsome devil. Where did he go?

    2. Hi Beth! That's where Morgan went--with Beth!

  7. Well the electric just went back on hope it stays on. These summer storms are sub tropical nightmares. Linda I hope you sell a million books. And become big and famous so I can tell people I know you!

    1. You're marvelous, Mary. Thanks for the well wishes. See you at the top, right?

  8. The party looks like fun! I know Morgan loves the attention and lavishes it on the hostesses!

  9. So glad yu could come to the party, Mary, if you can take your eyes off Morgan for a moment, and Catch Oliver's eye, he'll bring you some refreshments ;)

  10. So glad to see so many faces. The party is picking up and now I hear music coming from the music room. What is that haunting melody Morgan is's almost...hypnotic. Or maybe it's just those gorgeous eyes. Oliver, please bring me another drink. I'm suddenly quite thirsty!

    1. Lilly, is the haunting melody Moonlight Sonata? Or has he swung into the boogie woogie?

    2. In just heard him play Moonlight Sonata, made me feel all mushy, *sigh* but perhaps someone ought to tell him to play something a little more lively or we'll all just be swooning instead of partying! :)

  11. Hi Linda and fellow hostesses! *Big hugs*
    Linda - I love how we're hearing Morgan's story through his own words! Great excerpt, Linda! You can't blame Amber for trying to tempt the gorgeous Morgan - *sigh*
    I'm going to go and grab one of those Moscata drinks from Oliver before they're all gone. They sound absolutely delicious.

  12. Hi La Verne, great to see you sister hostess, it's a long way to travel from sunny New Zealand! I agree, this does sound like the perfect pairing - and a fantastic story!

  13. This book sounds great--and what a wonderful party!

  14. Hi Traci, thanks so much for stopping by,do help yourself to refreshments1
