Friday, August 5, 2016

A Romany celebration for Seeking Patience

“What the heck are you wearing?” LaVerne eyes Mary’s apparel with disdain.

“What is wrong with you?” Lyn’s audible sigh and grim smirk speak volumes.

As Mary gazes down at her floor length dark robe, the scarf covering her hair, wrapped haphazardly around her head reminiscent of a lopsided, colorful cake. And the garish makeup makes her look like a crazy person. Mary grins. “Well, my mother told me that the gypsies would kidnap me, and that I should try to fit in and escape when I could. They liked red haired little girls and my mother had bright red hair. Her mother warned her too, to be careful in areas known to have gypsy people living. They would snatch you up and make you one of their own.”

Lilly cannot help but to laugh. Debby joins in and soon the only one not laughing is Mary, who, wide eyed, smiles and blushes. Which makes the girls laugh all the harder at her.

“Listen sweetie, you are not a child and you don’t have red hair. I do. That only scratches the surface of the problem you pose in that getup. Couldn’t you just dress like the Rom here do?” Lyn points to the women in camp who wear long skirts and and blouses,
some colorful, some plainer homespun clothing. “Just take off the huge cape and you look fine underneath. Though we might have to chisel the makeup off. They didn’t have makeup like that in Regency times. Also, I hope you won’t call them gypsies, it’s disrespectful. ”

“I always research a bit when we go to these book celebrations. We know that the guests and the wonderful Josie Riviera will dress in the book’s time period.” Lilly’s nose twitches when she gets started.

Mary shrugs off the long cloak and mutters under her breath, "You guys have no imagination. someone might want to kidnap me. It's possible, really."

They enter the Romany camp Oliver, swashbuckling as ever, pats her on the back and gives her a huge smile.

“What is that roasting on the open fires?” LaVerne wonders aloud.

“That ladies, is roasted hedgehog.” A handsome, dark skinned, brooding man, with lots of black hair and almost black eyes passes the ladies each a glass of ratafia (Courtesty of Lady Blackwell) charming them with his flashing grin; he
calls out to Josie. “Josie your guests are here.”

“Bring them over by my fire.” A voice answers from one of the many blazes in the camp.

As the girls approach Josie’s caravan, the sounds of celebration fill the camp, and music brings lots of dancing.  The joy of the Rom’s free spirit is felt by all.

“Welcome ladies, are you ready to attend your first Romany celebration?” Josie hugs each one of them and offers seats around her fire.”

“We want to congratulate you on a wonderful story. And I can’t wait
to meet Luca and Lady Patience. But, in the meantime we’ve brought you a huge English pound cake decorated with clotted cream. I must say Josie, you drew me into that story with your writing. And we are thrilled to be here with you today.” Mary explains with a huge smile and obvious glee.

“Is she for real?” Lyn mutters and grunts when LaVerne elbows her. “I mean one minute she is crazy acting and the next more normal than imaginable.” Lyn whispers to LaVerne.

The girls join in the party and the Author Roast and Toast  helps welcome a terrific new book to readers. And love conquers all once again…

(This Roast was written by Mary Ricksen)


Do people prove their worth by strength , or by character?
Half-Romany, half-English lord, he lives a perilous Gypsy life … until a sweet English rose saves his life, and perhaps his soul. Widowed by a cruel husband, she's given up all hope of love. Brought together in peril, they dare to reach for a brighter future together.

Luca Boldor, Romany leader, lives a nomad’s life in Regency England with his Gypsy caravan. Believing his noble father abandoned him at birth, he refuses to acknowledge his English blood, or live a settled life. But when a vicious attack by a rival leaves him bleeding on an English lady's doorstep, he has no choice but to accept her help. Her gentle faith stirs his heart in a way he has long denied.

Lady Patience Blakwell, widowed countess, lives in near poverty. Her husband's heir uses threats to keep her from demanding her rightful inheritance. With a few faithful servants, she exists quietly in the country, only her faith keeping her strong … until the day a bold, handsome Gypsy collapses in her hall. He's unlike any man she's ever known, and she'll confront any subterfuge to keep him safe.

But when a secret from Lady Patience's past emerges, Luca must face his own past, or lose her and all hope of love. Will this strong man humble himself to open his heart for his lady?

Travel back to Regency England for this sweet, inspirational romance—get your copy of Seeking Patience today

Author Josie Riviera writes Historical, Inspirational, and Sweet Romances. She lives in the Charlotte, NC, area with her wonderfully supportive husband. They share their empty nest with an adorable Shih Tzu who constantly needs grooming and an old house forever needing renovations.

Amazon Bestselling Author

 Click on her website for a free book:

To win a copy of Josie's book, all you have to do is just leave a comment and your e-mail address.
Contest ends on Sunday and everyone who comments is eligible.
(We reserve the right to waive the prize in any week when there are not enough contestants for a draw to be deemed fair and unbiased)


  1. Thanks so much for your wonderful welcome! I've waded my way through the clotted cream to sit by the blazing campfire with you. I'll be stopping by throughout the day for more food and drink, so keep those camp fires burning!

  2. Good morning, Josie, welcome to your Roast. What a lovely setting for a celebration and what a tantalizing Blurb - any chance of a short excerpt when you gt a moment?

  3. Absolutely! Here 'tis:

    In Seeking Patience, Luca Boldor, the hero, is half-Rom, half English.
    The heroine, Lady Patience Blakwell, is an English widow and devout Christian, yet ignorant in her perception of Gypsies. (Much like the author when I began writing this book!)

    Here’s an excerpt:

    “I didn’t realize Gypsies could write,” Patience said.

    A muscle twitched in Luca’s jaw. “Do you assume all Roma are illiterate?”

    Her breath wedged in her throat and she forced out a ‘nay.’
    “You rummaged through numerous trunks in the attic to search not for a traveling bag, nor a spare blanket for your journey, but a quill pen?”

    “I carry my pen and paper with me,” he said.

    He carried a quill pen. And paper. And a silver dagger.
    A Gypsy, a nomad, a man who wasn’t supposed to be able to read, much less write.

    1. Now I'm really intrigued! Great excrpt, Josie! Thanks so much.I fancy Luca already!

    2. Don't we all, Hywela...LOL!

  4. Josie! How are you!I love the Gypsy. This book sounds so wonderful and I hope it sells a million. They are sooo free and that's what's so wonderful about them.

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! Yes, there's something good about freedom and the opportunity to move from place to place.

  5. Sorry I'm late dear friends. I was at the salon getting my hair cut and highlighted. (Lilly pats her new do) I just had to look fabulous for the Romany celebration. This is so cool. Kind of like camping, but the food looks much tastier...and the men, especially Luca, are incredibly handsome. Your book sounds like a wonderful read, Josie. It's definitely going on my TBR list.

    1. Thanks for joining us, Lilly! I'm sure your new 'do' is gorgeous. Yes, there's nothing like food cooked over an open campfire. :)

    2. Your hair looks lovely, Lilly. Can't fool us, we know you're trying to impress Luca!

    3. LOLwho can blame you? He's absolutely gorgeous!

  6. I need to find a hairdresser Lilly, how do I know if they stink or not? I am partial or marshmallows over an open fire and when they are all gooey and melty. Lip kissing good! I'd like to find one of those bad boy gypsy guys to have a nice melt with? Any suggestions Josie? BTW what did they west as Regency time Rom? I couldn't find information on it.

    1. Mary,
      While you're roasting those marshmallows, don't forget to add a chocolate bar for smores! I have someone for you, Mary. Luca, my Gypsy hero, has a half-brother...

      I describe Luca throughout the book with a gold earring gleaming from his ear, black high boots...well, you'll just have to read the book. )

    2. Your hair looks just fine Mary dear. I think you may have had a tad too much ratafia though. You said 'west' instead of 'wear'LOL!

    3. Ilove s'mores, Josie, I hadn't tasted them until I took a trip tothe US and Mary and I stayed with a friend in Ohio.

    4. I like my marshmellows burnt and blown out. Ooy, gooy,and oh so yummy.

    5. LOL! You ladies are hilarious!

  7. And what else did they eat? That was hard to find too!

    1. The Rom ate fresh fish, food they hunted in the forest, lots of black pepper, and roasted hedgehog for a start.

    2. Virtual hedgehog. Yum. Tastes like chicken. Wonder what it really tastes like...

    3. If you ever cook it, please let us know, Lilly!

  8. I even sent Lyn graham crackers so she could make her own smores. Must be the ale, I meant what did they wear ladies. I only have the picture in my head from old movies as I mentioned. Did they eat veggies,or farm, or just gather stuff? You always picture them on the move for better places. And brother of hero sounds fine to me! Let's use good Cadbury chocolate for those smores! Don't forget to share this blog on the other sites up top!
    Maybe you will write the brothers story next?!

    1. Actually, Mary, that's a good idea. The brother's story is something to think about.

  9. This gypsy at heart thanks you for a fun time.


    1. Thanks Mary, glad you enjoyed it! (We're all gypsies at heart I think, yearning for freedom and wide open spaces and nights spent singing and eating around the campfire!

    2. Thanks for joining us, Mary!

  10. I missed the fire, food, and drinks but I enjoyed reading about the book. I had to go and click on it. Hope u also write the brother's story. I love books set in this time, especially with Roms. *sigh*

    1. Hi Terri, no you haven't really missed the party - our
      roasts tend to spill into the weekend - especially with a band of merroms like these!y

      Oliver smiles and walks toward Terri bearing a tray piled high with food and a large glass of rafatia.

    2. Terri, So glad you're able to join us. Nope, you haven't missed the party. We're here till Sunday!

  11. Thanks so much for hosting me on such a fun blog. I'll choose the winner on Sunday, August 7th, so please keep commenting and check back here.

    In the meantime, everyone who attended receives a copy of my sweet romance novella, Seeking Catherine:

    Click on her website for a free book and subscribe to my newsletter:

    1. You're so welcome Josie, we've had so much fun getting to know you and mingling with the Roms at their gypsy camp. We're keeping the camp fires burning and Oliver is at hand to pass around the refreshments to anyone who wanders by.

      Thank you so much for offering a copy of 'Seeking Catherine' to attendees. They're all in for a real treat - and I'm off to subscribe to your Newsletter!

  12. Oliver should fit in very well with the way the gypsy men dress. Sorry I'm late showing up for the party, but I'm sure it was lots of fun.

    1. Hi Caroline, lovely to see you - our parties always stretch into the weekend so no worries about being late. You're right about Oliver, he'd make a great Romany, wouldn't he!

    2. Greetings and welcome, Caroline!

  13. Mary Preston, you are the winner of my sweet inspirational historical romance, Seeking Patience! Please email me at!

    Thanks for your comments, everyone. This was fun! In the meantime, EVERYONE can enjoy a free copy of Seeking Catherine, my sweet romance novella. Sign up for my newsletter at

    1. Congratulations Mary! It's been a joy having you as our special guest and we've really enjoyed our time at the Romany camp, and getting to meet Lady Patience and Luca! Please thank them and their Romany friends for their wonderful hospitality.

  14. Is it time for a gypsy dance? What a fun party, ladies. Pass the handsome men--I mean ratafia. I'm on a hedgehog-less diet. I'll let Mary have my portion.

    1. Better to be on a hedgehog-less diet, anyway. Pass the donuts! :)

    2. Hi Linda, so glad you could join the party. I agree with Josie, I know hedgehogs were traditional Romany fare, but I couldn't eat one - I understand they taste a bit like pork, which I'm not fond of anyway, but, I mean, they're such cute little creatures, and there becoming much rarer now, anyway.

  15. LOVE Regency Romance and this one sounds divine! Nice post--good luck!

    1. Thanks for the good wishes, Susan!

    2. Hello Susan. Thanks for stopping by, do have some rafatia and a piece of pound cake!
