Friday, February 12, 2016

Peggy Jaeger's Valentine's Party for - 3 Wishes - A Candy Hearts Romance

Oliver, dressed in a custom tailored dark chocolate tuxedo helps the hostesses out of the limousine. Lyn, Mary, Debby, and LaVerne are all wearing elegant evening gowns in various shades of brown. LaVerne's deep chocolate silk dress swirls around her ankles as a crisp February breeze raises goosebumps over her pale skin. Mary adjusts her caramel colored  bodice in an attempt to keep "the girls" in place. 

Lyn, wearing a gorgeous chocolate evening gown with a shawl and sweetheart ruched chiffon gives her the stink eye. "Honestly Mary, if you wouldn't choose such low-cut gowns, you wouldn't have to spend the entire evening adjusting the neckline."

Lilly snorts. "Mary would have to adjust her neckline to keep that bosom from popping out if she were wearing a turtle neck."

Debby snickers and pats her mile high bouffant hair. "Yes, Mary. Perhaps you should have tried a dress similar to this gorgeous Grecian number I'm wearing." Debby twirls around on the side walk outside
Caramelle de Chloe, an elegant candy shop in Manhattan in her flowing golden brown dress. "It's cut high in the front and low in the back."

"At least I followed Peggy Jaeger's request on dress color," Mary smirks. "Lilly's gown isn't a single shade of chocolate."

Lilly swishes her ample bottom and turns her back on Mary, displaying the lovely lines of a cream colored satin chiffon gown. "It's a shade of white chocolate." 

Oliver shakes his handsome head and ushers the ladies inside the elegant candy shop. Once again, he has worked his magic, turning the lovely store into a chocolate themed Valentine's event. The shop is decorated in valentine day streamers with hearts and flowers everywhere. The waiters are all just as hunky as Oliver but, they are decked out in cupid attire complete with wings. Oliver of course, would not be caught dead in wings, but he can appreciate the idea of women enjoying half-naked, winged men. He eyes the female servers dressed in white fairy garb with wings.

The hostesses ooh and awe as Peggy steps forward with the guest of honor, her heroine from her Candy Hearts Romance, 3 Wishes, Chloe San Valentino. 

"Everything is perfect," Peggy says. "Even the chocolate tiered birthday cake for Chloe."

Chloe smiles. "This is my favorite time of year because my birthday falls on Valentine's Day. And this is a perfect place to celebrate. I hope you love my shop."

"Everything smells heavenly," Lilly grumbles and then pouts.

"So why the long face?" Debby asks.

"It smells like chocolate, and I love chocolate."

LaVerne and Mary exchange quizzical frowns.

 "And?" they ask in unison.

"I developed an allergy to chocolate twenty years ago. If I eat it, I'll break out in a rash," Lilly groans, sounding pitiful.

Lyn pats her back and smiles. "And don't you think Oliver knows that?"

Lilly perks up, and Lyn adds. "He requested several white chocolate treats just for you. He said you could eat white chocolate."

"I can!" Lilly says with a smile.

"Oh crap," LaVerne moans. "I heard the drinks were mostly chocolate confections and liquors. You know how cranky Lilly gets when there's no alcohol or coffee at a party.

Debby sighs, "Well I see several guests sipping coffees and expressos, so we should be safe from Lilly's crankiness."

Mary smiles. "Really, girls. Oliver knows that too. I'm sure there's something alcoholic here that doesn't have chocolate in it."

"But of course!" Lyn smiles. "And I hear the Peppermint Patties are to die for, and unlike the store bought candy, the drink doesn't contain chocolate."

With a wide smile on her happy face, Peggy shares her favorite Peppermint Patty recipe.

Peppermint Patty


Brewed, fresh, strong coffee - cooled
½ cup white chocolate pieces
½ cup WHOLE milk
1 shot ( 1 oz) Peppermint Schnapps
whipped cream
crushed peppermint candy pieces

1.Brew coffee and cool for 30 minutes.

2.Melt white chocolate over a double boiler, stir until smooth ( do not burn!)  Once smooth and glossy, stir in liquor and milk.

3.Pour a mug half way with the coffee and then the white chocolate mixture over that.   

4.Top with the whipped cream and pieces of the crushed peppermint candies

And for chocolate lovers, there's the Martini di Cioccolato

1.  Melt ½ the chocolate pieces and put the melted coco into a piping bag with a # 1 or 2 tip ( very small hole). Drizzle and swirl the inside of a martini glass with the melted coco and let it chill for 15 minutes.

2.  Mix all the liquid ingredients. Put to the side.

3.  Once the melted chocolate pieces are cooled, turn the glass upside down and swirl it into the remaining coco pieces to form a chocolate ledge on the rim of the glass

4.  Pour the mixed liquid almost to the top. Serve.

"Hand me a Peppermint Patty!" Lilly says to Oliver.

LaVerne smiles. "I want a chocolate martini."

Just give me chocolate," Debby adds as she looks around at all the lovely chocolate covered confections. Almost everything is chocolate or covered in chocolate from candies and cookies, to a phenomenal chocolate cheesecake birthday cake with 30 candles!

And scattered about every table are Chloe’s favorite candy: Valentine Sweethearts with romantic little sayings.

Oliver passes out drinks to Peggy and the hostesses, as in celebration of Chloe’s birthday, Peggy is giving away an e-copy of 3 Wishes to one lucky party goer.

(This week's introductory skit written and illustrated by Lilly Gayle)

Title: 3 Wishes
Author: Peggy Jaeger
Publisher: The Wild Rose press
Line: Champagne

Valentine’s Day is chocolatier Chloe San Valentino’s favorite day of the year.

Not only is it the busiest day in her candy shop, Caramelle de Chloe, but it’s also her birthday. Chloe’s got a birthday wish list for the perfect man she pulls out every year: he’d fall in love with her in a heartbeat, he’d be someone who cares about people, and he’d have one blue eye and one green eye, just like her. So far, Chloe’s fantasy man hasn’t materialized, despite the matchmaking efforts of her big, close-knit Italian family. But this year for her big 3-0 birthday, she just might get her three wishes.


            At about five minutes of ten I was almost ready to turn the Closed sign on the door when it opened. I heard Janie’s breath hitch and turned from where I was sweeping up. Staying open late is always a risk, with the thought thieves will invade at the end of the day.

            If the guy standing at the door glancing around the shop was a thief, then Dio mio, I wanted to be robbed.

            About six foot, his hair was the color of a deer’s pelt, with autumnal golds and browns shot together in a glorious patchwork that grazed the collar of his jacket and curled a little at the ends. He wore a faded brown bomber jacket over a shirt I couldn’t see, but he had shoulders almost as wide as my doorway. A pair of well-worn jeans covered his mile long legs, and the fabric on the stress points at his knees was practically white.

            “We’re about to close,” I heard myself say. “Can I help you?”

            It was at that moment he looked over at me.

            His face could have been sculpted by Da Vinci or Michelangelo. A broad, smooth, forehead housed naturally arched eyebrows I knew some of my gay guy friends would have paid a fortune to have on their own faces. His cheeks were carved from marble, high, smooth and deep. And his mouth, mother-of-God, his mouth. Full, thick beautiful lips sat perfectly over a chin with a dent you could shove a button into and have it stay put.

            “Sorry,” he said, those fabulous lips pulling up a little shyly at the corners. “I got stuck at work and couldn’t get here until now. I’ll be quick. Promise.”

            So here’s the thing: the guy was gorgeous. But even if he’d looked like a frog with raw antipasto smothering his face, I would have dropped to my knees when he opened his mouth. Warm honey, a shot of raw whiskey, and a little hot puff of smoke wafted from his mouth like a fine and rare brandy being decanted.

Author Bio:

Peggy Jaeger is a contemporary romance author who writes about strong women, the families who support them, and the men who can't live without them. 

Her current titles, available now, include SKATER'S WALTZ and THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME, and FIRST IMPRESSIONS books 1 through 3 in her 6-book The MacQuire Women Series, published by The Wild Rose Press.

Peggy holds a master's degree in Nursing Administration and first found publication with several articles she authored on Alzheimer's Disease during her time running an Alzheimer's in-patient care unit during the 1990s. 

A lifelong and avid romance reader and writer, she is a member of RWA and her local New Hampshire RWA Chapter.

Buy links:

The Wild Rose Press:

To win an e-copy of Peggy's book, all you have to do is just leave a comment and your e-mail address.
Contest ends on Sunday and everyone who comments is eligible.
(We reserve the right to waive the prize in any week when there are not enough contestants for a draw to be deemed fair and unbiased)


  1. Good morning, Peggy! What a lovely party and it smells heavenly. I think I'll start my day off with a slice of white chocolate cheesecake and coffee. But don't worry, I will definitely try that yummy looking peppermint drink. Congrats on you latest release. It sounds like a fun read!

    1. Lilly - I can take absolutely no credit!! MY hostesses did a fubulicious job with everything. They'e made Chloe's b'day and Valentine's day perfection!

    2. Lilly - your talent for writing witty skits is every bit as "delicious" as CHloe's candy confections! brava!!!

    3. Oh, this is the most delicious roast yet, Lilly! I'm in heaven! Happy birthday Chloe - what a way to celebrate :)

      I need to know more about Chloe's dream guy. He sounds as delicious as the spread before us. LOVE those full lips. I'm visualising a Tom Hardy kind of mouth. I need a drink. Ooo....that Peppermint Patty is all kinds of perfect for this early morning, yummy!

    4. Hi LaVerne - you're right, he does sound delicious doesn't he. Hot guys and chocolate, what a combination!

    5. These skits are so fun. And I love oggling the hot guys. lol!

    6. Laverne - isn't Chloe's guy dreamy? And this food at the party is to die for! I've put on 3 pounds already!

  2. Good morning Peggy - Happy Valentine's day - hi Lilly, isn't this a great spread!May I join you with a slice of that gorgeous cheesecake and I'll have some of the Peppermint Patty - don't think I've ever had one!

    1. That Peppermint Patty is to die for!!! Chocolate - milk, dark, semi sweet, all of it! This is the best birthday/Valentine's party I've ever attended.

    2. Mmmm, as a chocoholic I'm absolutely in chocolate heaven! Thank you and Chloe for dreaming up such a great party - and Happy Birthday, Chloe!

  3. Hello ladies. Happy Valentine's to you. Peppermint patty sounds good.

    1. Julie - doesn't it??!! I' having one right now and let me just tell you how delicious it is....mmmmmm... Happy Valentine's day!

    2. Hi Julie, Peggy's right, these Pepperming Patty's are fantastic, and thank you so much for the recipe, Peggy.

  4. I'm a little tipsy from the Cholatini!!

  5. Hi Peggy - what a great party you put on :) How cute is your cover?!

    I'm loving the feel of this silk dress, Lilly, you clever lady. And the added bonus is since I'm prone to dropping food all over my top, no one will notice! :)

    1. You're so right LaVerne - and it's such a good job I love rich brown chocolate, as you say, the spills don't show on our gowns!

    2. LaVerne - isn't there something great about the feel of silk against skin? It's as exotic as water in the desert!

    3. We all love marvelous--simply marvelous in our gowns. And these drinks are to die for.

  6. What a great party. Thank you for the invite.


    1. Mary, so good of you to come! Enjoy yourself and have a Happy Valentine's day.

  7. Hi Mary, Thanks so much for joining us, I see Oliver heading in your direction with some chocolate goodies and a copy of Peggy's book.
    Oh, the book's not for you - he's reading it, balanced on the tray. I hope he knows where he's going - oooops!

  8. Ladies - it's been a great party. The WInner of my ecopy book is Julia BEASLEY! Your copy is on the way from amazon. Everyone, CHloe and I wish you the happiest of VAlentine's day and thanks so much for hosting the wonderful party.

  9. Thank you for being such a great guest of honour, Peggy, it's been wonderful to have you and Chloe as our special guests. Hope your Valentine's day is wonderful too - and congratulations Julia!
